It was an absolute pleasure to work with everyone on this project. I am so grateful I was able to contribute in a small way, and my administration to all the team knows no bounds. Thank you for allowing me ...
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It’s been a thrill and honour to have been allowed the opportunity to contribute to this book project, and through contributing, I’ve been gifted with enlightenment and inspiration. Congratulations Accomplished Black Canadian Women. I know your stories will inspire generations ...
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I think in life it happens you reach a stage and you want to start over again and you seek motivation for another journey.After reading the success stories of these 100 Accomplished Women, how they have fought against all odds ...
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When I heard about this project, I immediately wanted to become involved. So, I decided to volunteer to work on the Nominations/Research committee—a rewarding decision. I learned so much and was inspired by the accomplishments and contributions of these Black ...
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It has been a joy working on this project. As I read through these incredible womens’ profiles, I appreciated learning about their contributions to Canada and how they overcame their personal challenges. I am grateful to have been exposed to ...
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Congratulations to Dauna, Jean, and Denise for recognizing the need for this worthwhile and timely publication and for following through with it. Congratulations also to all my “sisters” for making such a valuable contribution to society without expecting any reward. ...
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Congratulations to the co-authors for creating a format to recognize these accomplished and inspirational women. Through this book, I hope these ABC Women’s legacies will inspire us to realize our potential and reach out to others. At the launch of ...
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