First, let me thank the three authors for bringing to the forefront these life glimpses of 100 awe-inspiring women. I am “over the moon” that I got the opportunity to participate in bringing the publication to fruition. Why and what did I gain? I met 100 Accomplished Black Canadian Women through their bios from which the profiles for the book were developed. It was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my post-retirement life. I literally relived some of my work life as a librarian and human resources specialist. I honed in on my research and writing skills. My team player skills helped me deal with people effectively. This has been a rewarding experience. Working with Dauna and her team was a joy. Acquiring this book will be money well spent. Congratulations to all—the authors, the nominees, the participants, and the people who will purchase this valuable publication. Be proud and be blessed.
Norma Lewis