A. LaFerne Clarke


A. LaFerne Clarke
Title: Mrs.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My three adult children lead happy productive lives. Based on my faith in Jehovah God as my provider, protector and friend my hope is always bright, focused and clear. I have carried out my family motto “To whom much is given much is asked” to be best of my ability.

Location: Ontario
Position: Social Worker
Adigo Angela Achoba-Omajali
Title: Mrs.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My three major accomplishments are:
1. My beautiful Family
2. Ongoing work on anti-Black racism within the health care system and beyond
3. My career growth as an educator in tertiary mental health with affords me a chance to mentor and support folks across the health care system

Location: British Columbia
Position: Clinical Practice Educator
Althea Jones
Category / Expertise: ,
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

1. Founding and obtaining base funding for Ancestral Hands Midwives
2. Being elected president of the Association of Ontario Midwives, the largest midwifery association in Canada
3. Earning a soccer scholarship and competing as an NCAA division one student athlete at the University of Arizona

Location: Ontario
Position: Executive Director, Midwife
Angela J Carter
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My top three accomplishments: instrumental in acquiring $25 million from the Ontario Government to develop a Black Health and Social Services hub in Peel; awarded the 2023 Naseem Somani Memorial Leadership Excellence Award from Brampton Board of Trade; being the first recipient of the Nation Publishing Company’s anniversary scholarship in 1984.

Location: Ontario
Position: Advisor, Strategic Initiatives
Birgit Umaigba-Omoruyi
Title: Mrs.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

One of my most significant achievements is cultivating a loving family as a devoted mother and wife. Gratitude fills me as I embrace the chance to mentor and inspire others, guiding them towards transformative change. Lastly, I am profoundly blessed by the invitation extended by Dr. Bernice King to address the audience at the 2022 Martin Luther King Global Summit—an honor that amplifies my commitment to meaningful dialogue and positive impact.

Location: Ontario
Position: Registered Nurse, Health Equity Activist, Public Speaker
Camille Nicola Isaacs-Morell
Title: Mrs.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Implemented a revamped, impactful community investment program at Standard Life.
Negotiated over $2 million to fund expansion of programs and double the Alzheimer Society of Montreal’s clientele.
Contributed to the development and adoption of the Anti-Black Racism Action Plan to dismantle systemic racism in the Anglican Diocese of Montreal.

Location: Quebec
Position: Vice-President, Hope for Dementia
Camisha Sibblis
Title: Dr.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

1) Raising three conscious, secure, and talented children after having been a teenaged mother
2) Surviving a tumultuous childhood and adolescence, and continuing to achieve against all odds
3) Ultimately completing my doctorate as a Black woman in a white supremist institution, in spite of institutional racism/sexism, while working full-time, supporting my family, and raising my young children

Location: Ontario
Position: Director of Black Studies Institute, Professor, Registered Social Worker/Clinician
Carmen James-Henry
Title: Mrs.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Parenting with my husband of 39 years, a daughter who now contributes to her community. Mentoring young black women, who are all now successful and well-adjusted adults carving out spaces for themselves in this rapidly-changing world. My contribution as a healthcare professional to the health and well-being of others.

Cordelia A Clarke Julien
Category / Expertise: ,
Title: Mrs.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Major accomplishments include pandemic response and recovery efforts in the agrifood sector that resulted in vaccination rates of 95% amongst workers in Ontario; mandated training standards resulting in a 30% decline in workers’ death falling from heights; and changes that allow people who get financial support to get more.

Location: Ontario
Position: Assistant Deputy Minister, Social Assistance Programs, Government of Ontario
Cranla Warren
Title: Dr.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

• Raising kind, loving, caring children who have grown up to be emotionally and socially responsible adults who are compassionate, generous, and thoughtful.
• Completing my final graduate degree at the age of 55; a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology with a specialization in Leadership.
• Winning a global pharmaceutical professionals award and being flown to Singapore to receive the award and represent Canada.

Dione Amsterdam
Category / Expertise: ,
Title: Mrs.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Becoming a mother of 2 amazing socially conscious people.
Becoming one of the few Black midwives in Ontario
Becoming a leader in the midwifery community by being a Practice Partner & having a seat at the table to represent the Black community on the Boards & Committees that I’ve served on.

Location: Ontario
Position: Registered Midwife & Practice Partner
Dionne Sinclair
Title: Mrs.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

I am proud to have raised 3 very independent girls. Althea, Pamela and Breann. All are university/college graduates with jobs in their fields. I believe they are my three major accomplishment. When speaking of academic or professional accomplishments, completing my Masters of Science in Nursing and a Masters Certificate in Health Care management and becoming a Certified Healthcare Executive rank up there with being appointed the Vice President of Clinical Operations and the Chief Nurse Executive at the Center for Addictions and Mental Health. I’ve also receive the Alumni of distinction award from the University of Wester Ontario one of 10 recipients in 100 years.

Donna Alexander
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Clinician, Trainer, Consultant

Dzifa Dordunoo
Title: Dr.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Over the past 6 years, i rose through the ranks to become the first African woman to attain tenure and promotion to Associate Professor and Acting Director at the School of Nursing at my place of work. I published 26 peer reviewed journal articles: 16 since my appointment in 2017 and 7 of which as first author. I have also published a book chapter and presented at local, national, and international conferences.

Location: British Columbia
Position: Associate Professor, Acting Director
Elaine Bennett
Category / Expertise: , ,
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Being a single mom to one of Gods miracles. My son started his life journey in an incubator, he was born three months premature. My amazing son is now 22 years old, he’s a healthy and confident young man living out his God given purpose. Becoming a University Graduate, after being told by a grade school counsellors that University wasn’t for me. Being part of the fundraising team which contributed to the building and sustaining of the operations of the Windsor Life Centre, a faith-based addiction treatment home for women.

Jennie Powell
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My three major accomplishments are: First, successfully raised my children into adulthood. Next, directing a community faith base Women’s Ministries by empowering and nurturing women to be the best God intended them to be. Last, becoming a Community Volunteer and Advocate.

Joanne Robinson
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My three major accomplishments are: Having raised two wonderful and self-sufficient young men; secondly, the creation of Flo’s Seniors Health and Care Programs Network Inc; and my third accomplishment is being able to be a community volunteer for over 20 years and still going.

Juliet Opoku
Title: Miss
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Single mother of 4 amazing children. Named diabetes educator of the year through the faculty of the Medicine University of Toronto. Recognized by the Canadian Diabetes Education Certification Board for the award of excellence in diabetes education management. Community advocate and activist for continental Africans and other Canadian communities to get free access to health, health equipment and medications for all.

Location: Ontario
Position: CEO of Living A Balance life Inc. Unison health as Certified diabetes and certified bariatric educator. Vice president of the ghanian Canadian a Association Ontario.
Karline Wilson-Mitchell
Title: Mrs., Dr.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My top three accomplishments are: Leading as director for 6 years (2 terms); receiving the Fellowship of the American College of Nurse Midwives (FACNM) for service and leadership; and having the joy of co-parenting 3 step sons and co-grandparenting 3 grandchildren.

Location: Ontario
Position: Associate Professor & Director, Midwifery Education Program, Toronto Metropolitan University.
Krissy Doyle-Thomas
Title: Dr.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My top three major accomplishments are that I authored several high-impact peer-reviewed articles that have furthered the field of medical neuroscience, I established multiple community initiatives and programs that support the success of black youth, and I have built a loving family and home.

La Toya Dennie
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

– increased SMP applications by more than 350% and enrolment by more than 200% between 2013 and 2021
– 2015 IDERD Award Recipient
– 2020 Staff Impact Award Recipient

Lana M. MacLean
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Co-creator of Impact of Race and Cultural Assessment for Family and Criminal Court
Primary Clinical Lead on the Development of IWK Mental Health Black Mental and Addictions Treatment Program Mother of an Amazing Young Adult.

Location: Nova Scotia
Position: Dir. of Community Health and Mental Health
Laurian Powell-Bennett
Category / Expertise: , ,
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

1. In 1978 VP for Immigrant nurses group in Quebec – re Bill 101 challenged this bill and won. Hospital had to rehire all nurses that were laid off. Was VP for C.A.P.I. (Centre for Professional Immigrants)
2. Establishing a Black Ombudson person in 1997 as part of a settlement reached
3. In 2000, won case against OHIP on behalf of Sickle patients in Southwest Ontario to be taken care of Harper Hospital, , Detroit, Michigan.
4. In 2008, won case where VIA Rail had to carry portable Defribulators on all their trains

Lisa Ogbole
Title: Mrs.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Founded the 1st Black led transitional home in CanadaGrew my Business to 7 figures in 1 year Co Created a Tomato spice blend.

Location: Ontario
Position: Executive director
Marie Philippe-Remy
Title: Mrs.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

1. Launching the first Canada-wide black-led mental health support program. 2. Being a contributor and the national spokesperson for the MHCC new resource Shining A Light On Mental Health In Black Communities. 3. Getting acknowledged by the Haitian embassy for our efforts.