Shelley Jarrett

Creative/Fine Arts

Shelley Jarrett
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Producing W’at Abowt Us Documentary, Providing an training manual for entrepreneurs and raising my sons to be great human beings.

Stephanie Bernard
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

2015 Co-Founding the Nunavut Black History Society (NBHS); 2021 Selected Organizer, Writer & Presenter: History of People of African Descent in Nunavut at the Canadian Heritage first Emancipation Day Celebration event; 2022 Featured in Soft Landing, a Project by the Canadian Museum of Immigration on Immigrant Achievement and Impact on their communities

Suzan Richards
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My top tree major accomplishments sage the opening of Ottawa’s first Black Owned dance studio dedicated to Afro-Caribbean dance. My second would be the sharing of Afro-Caribbean culture on mainstream stages and théâtres to sold out audiences. And my third would be taking the full leap to full time entrepreneurship demonstrating that all things are possible.

Suzette Vidale
Category / Expertise: ,
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Tiki Mercury-Clarke
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My critically acclaimed recording, Lift Every Voice and Sing! The Roots of Gospel Music. Presenting my acclaimed performance at UNESCO’s request at the symposium in Nigeria re Slavery and Its Impact. Raising, guiding, and protecting my boy-child successfully around a hostile environment through to manly, loving, and responsible adulthood.

Location: Ontario
Position: Kabandwa
Yolanda Marshall
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Traditionally published author of over 7 children’s books and counting, representing children in the Caribbean/African diaspora via literature and consistent appearances in schools, activist for inclusion in children literature and against racism.