Renee Phipps

2022 Honourees

Renee Phipps
Title: Dr.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

1. Founding one of the largest independent optometric practice in Western Canada, and providing an inclusive, diverse work environment 2. Author- first book in 2020 3. Family- raising 3 amazing, strong, confident children with my supportive husband, who is also my business partner.

Rhonda Thompson-Wilson
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

1. Becoming a mother – the most taxing yet rewarding experience in my life 2. Working within the Black Community – I have had the opportunity to help create change and continue legacy work of others 3. Pursuing educational goals – I was thrown many curve balls, and still achieved, through Christ and family support.

Rhonelle Bruder
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My three greatest accomplishements include, raising my daughter as a single mother to become the thoughtful and caring young lady she is today, founding and leading my own non-profit, Project iRISE, to help survivors of trafficking rebuild their lives, and returning to school to complete my Ph.D. in Public Health.

Rita Ngarambe Laurence
Title: Miss.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Being in love and loving other human beings around me , my ability to forgive others and practice empathy .

Roberta Greene-Timothy
Title: Dr.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My top 3 major accomplishments are:
1. Being a mother to my children and other children in our communities.
2. Being able to support community members to support themselves through emancipatory
healing and resistance centred processes.
3. Being grounded in Black feminist, Critical Pan-African, intersectional, anti-oppression work. Dedication to Black wellness and healing, even when it was not ‘popular’ or profitable.

Rochelle Ivri
Title: Judge
Achievements & Accomplishments:

1. I was appointed in 2018 as Canadian Citizenship Judge (1 of only 9, first merit based appointment of judges, only Black judge, first paralegal and RCIC appointed as a CJ),2. First paralegal to be awarded with the Lincoln Alexander Award by the Law Society of Ontario (nomination sent for another award and the Treasurer saw my application and sought to change the rules to award the Lincoln Alexander Award to me), 3. I am the first Black professor in Mohawk College’s Paralegal Program

Rose Nixon
Category / Expertise: ,
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My number one accomplishment is Motherhood. The miracle of giving birth to and raising my two sons gives me my greatest sense of purpose. Second is starting my own business ReallyOrganizedNow helping working women and third is co-founding MomsEmbracingTech to help women over 50 embrace technology and themselves.

Roz Roach
Title: Dr.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

1) Raised $5 Million to build Dr. Roz’s Healing Place, Centre for abused Women and Children; 2) I established Women’s Lives Matter 2 in the Caribbean, 3) I was appointed to the Task Force on Sexual Abuse of Patients by Health Professionals commissioned by the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Shelley Jarrett
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Producing W’at Abowt Us Documentary, Providing an training manual for entrepreneurs and raising my sons to be great human beings.

Simone Atungo
Title: Mrs.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Healthcare Executive Leadership; Entrepreneur (small business owner); Passionate mentor to young Black girls and women

Siobhan Calderbank
Category / Expertise: , ,
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My top three major accomplishments are being the recipient of the Universal Womens Network (UWN) 2019 Women of Inspiration award for Diversity and Inclusiveness, named one of 100 Accomplished Black Canadian Women 2022, and the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award 2022 by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP).

Stephanie Bernard
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

2015 Co-Founding the Nunavut Black History Society (NBHS); 2021 Selected Organizer, Writer & Presenter: History of People of African Descent in Nunavut at the Canadian Heritage first Emancipation Day Celebration event; 2022 Featured in Soft Landing, a Project by the Canadian Museum of Immigration on Immigrant Achievement and Impact on their communities

Suzan Richards
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My top tree major accomplishments sage the opening of Ottawa’s first Black Owned dance studio dedicated to Afro-Caribbean dance. My second would be the sharing of Afro-Caribbean culture on mainstream stages and théâtres to sold out audiences. And my third would be taking the full leap to full time entrepreneurship demonstrating that all things are possible.

Suzette Vidale
Category / Expertise: ,
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Tricia Alcendor
Category / Expertise:
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My three major accomplishments would be completing my Masters in Law, my LLB and Bachelor of Arts Program.

Veda Roodal Persad
Title: Dr.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

My first accomplishment is my family including my three daughters, Ayesha, Tahira, and Jamilah, my sons-in-law, Osama and Wendell, and my grandchildren, Zaid, Umayma, and Zora Mae. I cherish my roles as mother and grandmother. While we are spread out over various countries, we are nurtured by our precious connections. My second accomplishment is the PhD I was able to achieve later in life. I was happy in my teaching but there was always a feeling of something missing. Each September would roll around and I would think to myself, it’s September and I am not in grad school. Finally I applied, was accepted into the program, and decided to start with just one course. I come from parents who are descended from indentured labourers and who barely finished primary school, so it was a special accomplishment that I was able to complete a PhD in mathematics education. I am also proud that I was able to gain some small measure of understanding of Lacanian theory (which is notoriously difficult) with the help of the Lacan Salon, Vancouver. My third accomplishment is the longevity of my career as an educator. I taught for 30 years at Langara, and I continue to teach in my 32nd year at TRU. I am proud of the fact that many of my students are themselves teachers and researchers in mathematics. This has given me an understanding and appreciation of people and cultures that have helped me as I continue to work with students who increasingly come from countries other than Canada.

Veronica Vernon
Title: Mrs., Sister V
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Founding my non-profit VV’S Adult Support Centre Corp., founding my charity Victory Neighbourhood Services Inc. and creating programs for the youth and seniors.

Violette Kouatchou
Title: Miss
Achievements & Accomplishments:


Vivene Salmon
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

• Becoming President of the Canadian Bar Association through a time of organizational change focusing on young lawyers, diversity, inclusion and belonging • Leading the Canadian Bar Association through COVID-19 crisis, • Created the Task Force on Justice Issues Arising from COVID-19 in 2020. • Created the Racialized Leadership Bootcamp for Canadian Lawyers

Yolanda Marshall
Title: Ms.
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Traditionally published author of over 7 children’s books and counting, representing children in the Caribbean/African diaspora via literature and consistent appearances in schools, activist for inclusion in children literature and against racism.