Cynthia Reyes

Cynthia Reyes
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Contact Name: Cynthia Reyes
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Cynthia Reyes has been blessed with a career as a creative leader and writer, and as a business leader of large, complex projects in Canada and other countries. Presently a writer of literary non-fiction, her work has been published in the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Toronto Life and in Arabella Magazine. With the spring 2013 publication of her book A Good Home, and a second book in Spring 2016, Cynthia now adds ‘author’ to her career achievements.

Cynthia is a former executive producer with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. More than a hundred episodes of her programs have been broadcast on network television. A fearless leader of complex projects, Cynthia has won several awards for trailblazing, outstanding career achievement and mentoring. Uplifting others as she has risen in her own career is something she practices. In 2000, drawing on her strengths in change management, training, writing, public speaking and organizational development, Cynthia co-founded DiversiPro Inc. with CEO Hamlin Grange. DiversiPro is privileged to consult with some of Canada’s best-known companies and agencies.

A graduate from Ryerson University, with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, Cynthia  was a journalist and award-winning broadcaster at the peak of her career when, in 2005, a devastating car accident changed all that. Reyes was rear-ended and the accident injured her foot, leg and back and left her with chronic pain and other long-term impacts. 
